
Product inquiry

Your product is out of stock, you want a custom-made product or you simply have a question for us?

You're welcome! Call us, write to us in the chat at the bottom left or send us an email! We are usually online!

Phone: +49 (0) 89 64980 079

If it is difficult to reach us by phone, please send us an email to hello (at) or use the chat at the bottom left.


Address and contact VANTALE®

VANTALE • Please only Super Likes GmbH, C. Lochmann, Schmidsberg 2b, 94130 Obernzell

Phone: +49 (0) 89 64980 079

We are sometimes difficult to reach by phone, please send us an email to hello (at)


opening hours

Monday to Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Appointments in the Munich showroom on request.