VANTALE wall RYGG installation


Here you can see how to use our modules and wall base plates
Can be installed directly on the wall.

Adhesive screw

Base plate attached to the wall using adhesive screws
Wall base plate storage van

Ring spring

Attach individual modules using a push button
Wall base plate storage van


Screw the base plate to the wall
Wall base plate storage van


Of course, you can also find the right parts for installation from us.
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With the push button template you can precisely mark the distances between the push buttons from our modules in the vertical and horizontal directions.
This means that the counterpart of the push buttons on our modules - the ring spring - can be screwed into the wall with millimeter precision.
The stencil comes to you printed out on DIN A4 hard cardboard and already pre-cut.

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Countersunk screw - 3.5mm x 16/13mm
Manufacturer: Würth

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This is the counterpart to our push buttons on the RYGG modules.
Screw this ring spring onto your wall with our screws (if necessary using our push button template) and attach all of our modules without a base plate.
Manufacturer: PRYM

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With this set you can get your RYGG on the wall without drilling.
The adhesive screws hold a load of up to 5 kg each, meaning everything is securely installed on the wall without having to screw.
Available in sets of 6 and sets of 4.
In addition to the adhesive screws, the set also includes:
• Wing nut (black, powder coated)
• Washer (black, powder-coated)
Manufacturer of adhesive screws: TESA

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With this set you screw your RYGG to the wall.
Set of 1, 2, 4 and the set of 5 with 5 screws and 5 washers.
• Screw: 5.3x20x1.5mm (Black)
• Washer: 5.5x20x1.5mm (Black)

Wall Base Plate Storage Van Window